A thinker space.
The Forge Institute.
A thinker space dedicated to thought leadership for positive change
Governor General’s Innovation Awards
The Forge Institute is a nominating partner for the Governor General’s Innovation Awards (GGIA). We are thrilled to announce that our 2021 nominee, Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey, is one of six winners. See the In The News section for more details!
Here are some things we’re thinking about…
Inclusive Economic Development
A population that believes that we all have the capacity for innovative thinking is foundational to prosperity and resilience. By recognizing, celebrating and nurturing citizen-based innovation we turn that capacity into a capability.
Leading through Disruption
Recovery, though probable, based on history, may be uneven and uncertain. So, what can Destination Marketing Organizations do now to determine their own path to recovery in the midst of overwhelming negative news?
Workforce Development
How do we make sure that the future we create is better than what we are leaving behind? How do we make sure everyone has a place in the new world order? No one knows the answers to these questions for certain, but current developments point to what the future “normal” might look like.
Collaborative Solutions
Building Partnerships for Digital Inclusion - How can we use the Collective Impact Model to shape a conversation about the growing Digital Divide? Can we create a democratic, inclusive digital ecosystem with secure, affordable, high-speed internet and mobile data that is available and affordable to all?

“All social change comes from the passion of individuals.”
— Margaret Mead

in the news!
Michele McKenzie’s discussion with host Jodi Butts on the 2020 Network podcast about Canadian tourism and the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions May 2020.
Sandra McKenzie’s blog interview with Clean Nova Scotia President & CEO, Scott Skinner about what we can learn from previous economic crises, and how we might collectively steer our current economic recovery process towards a clean transition July 2020.
Sandra McKenzie’s Op-Ed in the Chronicle Herald on the rise of the maker movement, and how ingenuity ascends during COVID-19

What are you thinking about?
Contact us.
Halifax, Toronto