Economic Development and Prosperity
Recovery, though probable, based on history, may be uneven and uncertain. And it likely will vary significantly by destination and region. So, what can Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) do now to determine their own path to recovery in the midst of overwhelming negative news?
Workforce of the Future
If anything, the “Great Pause” initiated by COVID-19 has given us time to think about the way we used to do things, and the opportunity to improve as we move forward.
What is certain is that permanent change has taken place in the world of work. Not every business survived the pandemic, and the businesses that have survived, haven’t necessarily emerged with the same operating model or with the same staffing requirements.
How do we make sure that the future we create is better than what we are leaving behind, and how do we make sure that everyone has a place in the new world order? No one knows the answers to these questions for certain, but current developments point to what the future “normal” might look like. Here are ten workforce predictions as we come out of COVID-19.
Collaborative Solutions
Transformation of the Community Impact Sector
This article is the fourth installment in a series focused on stimulating discussions and ideas for a healthy Community Impact Sector transformation and recovery in Nova Scotia!
This article is the third installment in a series focused on generating ideas for a healthy Community Impact Sector transformation and recovery in Nova Scotia!
A Healthy Community Impact Sector Starts with a Sustainable Workforce. This article is the second installment in a series focused on generating ideas from you on a healthy Community Impact Sector transformation and recovery!
There is a community impact sector in Nova Scotia made up of thousands of people that are working hard to make this province the place you love.
They have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure no one is left behind.
Now, it must rise, transformed from the pandemic.
Here's why you should care...
Digital Inclusion
On July 14, 2020, The Forge Institute hosted a Virtual Salon on Building Partnerships for Digital Inclusion under our Inclusive Economic Development theme. The Salon focused on recent efforts to deal with digital inequality, identification of barriers and opportunities, and the path forward.
The Maker Movement
The Maker Movement is as old as time and yet is new again. The idea that individual resilience grows from an internal trust in one’s abilities to solve problems and innovate solutions, has driven the progress of humankind for millennia.
A population that believes that we all have the capacity for innovative thinking is foundational to prosperity and resilience. By recognizing, celebrating and nurturing citizen-based innovation we turn that capacity into a capability.
Navigating the Fourth Industrial Revolution
There is a shift in how consumers are spending their income: experiences are beginning to trump things. This movement is being championed by millennials — but it is exposing a much larger trend with far-reaching implications.
There are three main things you need to consider when undertaking a digital transformation initiative - before you even begin focusing on technology.
The world of work is changing rapidly. Navigating the pressures that were accelerated by the pandemic, such as technological changes, sector disruptions, labour shortages, and a growing focus on skills is essential to shaping a sustainable and inclusive strategy for recovery.
This article looks at a sampling of local makerspaces, an emerging national effort, and a few international initiatives. They are all weird and wonderful. And, although varied, they all have the same common denominator - citizens from all walks of life gathering in local spaces to explore, make, invent and solve - which is what makes them so amazing.